
Jennifer NILEIST

I'm Jennifer. My hands are often covered in soil, and my heart is full of passion for nature. Through my writings, I share my personal gardening journeys, tips, and the joy of cultivating both plants and a community of fellow garden lovers. Every plant I grow adds a story to my life, and I love sharing those tales with my readers.

The Song Thrush: An Avian Migrant with Spotted Brown Plumage

GardenBy May 26, 2024

The Song Thrush: An Avian Migrant with Spotted Brown Plumage The Song Thrush is a migratory bird that is commonly found in Europe and Asia. It belongs to the passerine order and the Turdidae family. The term “song thrush” actually refers to more than thirty species of birds that share similar characteristics. In France, four species of song thrushes are…

The Oak Titmouse with Brightly Colored Plumage

GardenBy May 25, 2024

The Oak Titmouse with Brightly Colored Plumage The Oak Titmouse, scientifically known as Baeolophus inornatus, is a small bird species that belongs to the family Paridae. It is native to North America and is commonly found in oak woodlands, hence its name. One of the distinctive features of the Oak Titmouse is its brightly colored plumage, which sets it apart…

Colorful and Variegated Tree Sparrow, a High-Flying Songbird

GardenBy May 24, 2024

The tree sparrow (Passer montanus), also known as the Eurasian tree sparrow, is a captivating and vibrant songbird. With its colorful and variegated plumage, this high-flying species is a remarkable sight to behold. In this article, we will explore the characteristics and behaviors of the tree sparrow, shedding light on its unique features and the importance of its role in…

The Woodcock: A Migratory Bird of the Forest

GardenBy May 23, 2024

The Woodcock: A Migratory Bird of the Forest The Woodcock, scientifically known as Scolopax rusticola, is a migratory bird that belongs to the Charadriiformes order and the Scolopacidae family. It is primarily found in forested areas and wetlands across Europe. About the Woodcock Habitat and Migration The Woodcock is a migratory bird that can be found across the Eurasian continent,…

A Tribute to the Human Spirit: Must-See Gardens at the 2024 Garden Rendezvous

GardenBy May 22, 2024

Immerse Yourself in the Beauty of Jardins de l’Humanité Located in the heart of Landes, the Jardins de l’Humanité is not just an ordinary garden. Spanning over 8,000 square meters, this unique garden-farm is a combination of a botanical garden, a educational space, and a therapeutic retreat. At the 2024 Garden Rendezvous, make sure to visit the four historical gardens,…

The White Stork: A Migratory Wading Bird

GardenBy May 21, 2024

The Majestic White Stork The White Stork is a large migratory wading bird belonging to the Ciconiiformes order and the Ciconiidae family. While there are several species of storks, the most common in France is the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia). Originally known as the symbol of Alsace, this graceful bird is not limited to that region and has managed to…

The European Green Woodpecker: A Bird with Red, Yellow, and Green Plumage

GardenBy May 20, 2024

The European Green Woodpecker: A Bird with Red, Yellow, and Green Plumage The European Green Woodpecker, also known as the Picus viridis or Green Woodpecker, is a common bird found in both urban and rural areas. It belongs to the picidae family and is easily recognized by its distinct red, yellow, and green plumage. Description of the European Green Woodpecker…

Laughing gull: a common seabird

GardenBy May 19, 2024

About Laughing Gulls The Laughing gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) is a seabird that belongs to the Laridae family. It is one of the most common and easily recognizable gulls found along the coastal areas. With its distinct appearance and behavior, the Laughing gull has captured the interest of birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Physical Characteristics Laughing gulls are medium-sized birds, measuring between…

Propagating Hydrangeas: The Best Time and Method for Successful Rooting

GardenBy May 18, 2024

Why propagate hydrangeas? Propagating hydrangeas is a great way to create new plants that are exact clones of the chosen mother plant. This means that the new plant will have the same flower shape, color, foliage, and size as the mother plant. It is a simple and rewarding method of multiplication that can be enjoyed by both adults and children….

The Seagull: A Symbol of the Sea and Sky

GardenBy May 17, 2024

The Majestic Seagull: A Symbol of the Sea and Sky The seagull, also known as the Larus marinus, is a captivating marine bird that is commonly found along the coastlines of France. While often mistaken for seagulls, seagulls are a distinct species characterized by their distinctive cries. Derived from the Breton word “gouélan” meaning “to cry,” seagulls have a unique…